
“London opens to you like a novel itself. It is divided into chapters, the chapters into scenes, the scenes into sentences; it opens to you like a series of rooms, door, passsage, door. Mayfair to Piccadilly to Soho to the Strand.”
― Anna Quindlen


If you don’t fancy a walk, book a talk. What a great idea for your social club, U3A group, Probus set, National Trust outfit, local history society, to book New London Walks’s Ed Glinert to give an illustrated talk on one of a huge variety of subjects.

Glinert is one of the most entertaining, best informed, and wittiest public speakers on the circuit. Funnier than Michael Gove (not hard), wittier than Sadiq Khan (okay, not hard), better informed than Boris Johnson (also, not hard), armed with remarkable stories and unforgettable pictures, and has been a fixture on the talks scene, including cruise ships, for many years.

Have laptop, Glinert will travel to entertain your group. Most popular talks:

  • Jack the Ripper: The Final Solution.
  • Royal Scandal Through the Ages.
  • Winston Churchill: from Darkest Hour to Finest Hour.
  • Marx and Lenin in London.
  • The Pankhursts.
  • The History of Jewish London.
  • Sherlock Holmes investigates
  • Alan Turing: Tortured Genius of the Computer Age.

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