Ed Glinert, Published Author
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A guided tour of Britain’s spiritual heritage.
Did Joseph of Arimathea really bring the holy grail to Glastonbury? Why do many conspicracy theorists believe architects such as Wren and Hawksmoore secretly built London according to principles from the Old Testament? What were the true reasons for the executions of martyrs such as Ridley, Wycliffe and Cranmer?

From the Globe at Bankside to the Wimpole Street home of Elizabeth Barrett Browning, London is, and always has been, crammed with literary life. Playwrights, novelists, diarists, poets and essayists throughout the centuries have roamed its streets, met in its cafes and retaurants and strolled in its parks and gardens.

The East End: Roman burial ground, medieval rubbsih tip, Victorian hell hole, WW2 bombing aarget, 21st century gentrification template. Always a rum place, the industrial revolution replaced rose bushes and hedgerows with metallic roads and iron railways, mud banks gve way to deeo-water docks and sweatshops. East End Chronicles tells the story of this part of London tht has always enthralled writers and readers through the bizarre, the unusual, the arcane and the mysterious.

The streets of London resonate with secret stories, from East End lore to Cold War espionage, from tales of riots, rakes, anarchy and grisly murders, to Rolling Stones gigs, gangland drinking dens, Orwell’s Fitzrovia and Lenin’s haunts. Ed Glinert has walked the length and breadth of the city to unravel its mysteries, travelling through time from the Romans’ London wall to the new Olympic site at Stratford. This is London as you have never seen it before.

The streets and squares of the West End of London, some of the most famous in the world, have been home to poets and pop stars, world-renowned artists and revolutionary anarchists. They have been a playground of gangsters and gamblers, secret agents and religious visionaries. The exploits of these and many other colourful characters are recounted in Ed Glinert’s latest volume.